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Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research ; 11(1):141-156, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20245031


Rapid and continuous changes in digital technologies have changed both classroom practices and teacher profiles in education. It can be argued that a new context of teaching may lead some teachers to develop a different teacher identity in order to meet the needs of the era. Within this perspective, this case study attempts to explore the impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) revolution in education on teachers' professional identity through the lens of three English instructors from three different contexts in Turkey. The study particularly focuses on reflections of teachers during the pandemic. As a theoretical framework, the study adopts Wenger's (1997) social theory of learning and, within this framework, it discusses these teachers' professional identities in relation to their ICT usage. In particular, three modes of belonging, Engagement, Imagination and Alignment, are underlined. A qualitative approach is employed based on the written history documents of the participants and semi-structured interviews as data collection tools. The findings are gathered with a deductive thematic analysis, and they illustrate that teachers have some external and internal difficulties regarding their ICT usage, and they form a new shape of professional identity mainly through collaboration, community expertise and contributing new ideas in their school contexts. Although the use of new digital technologies mostly enables them to adopt a positive and modern teacher identity in their teaching contexts, it also leads some of them to sometimes question their teacher identity due to their limited ICT knowledge and competence. Thus, the study suggests some implications both for language teachers to invest in their digital identities, and for school administrations to create a friendly atmosphere where the community of expertise can be shared freely among teachers.

Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine ; 12(11):1208-1211, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-20244044


Aim: With the Covid-19 outbreak, it has been observed that people wanted to receive healthcare services remotely. In other words, people wanted to reach healthcare services or healthcare professionals from their homes without going to the hospital. Thus, this study aimed to determine how telemedicine-online health services of private hospitals are handled on websites and social media channels. Material(s) and Method(s): Data was collected by conducting qualitative content analysis to the websites and corporate social media of hospitals in Istanbul, the city where the most private hospitals in Turkey are located. Overall, 608 data from 76 hospitals were analysed using the thematic analysis method. Result(s): When the analysis of the information was received a total of 8 themes emerged. These were divided into thematic codes as the telemedicine-online health service status, including the number of hospital beds, the content of written, visuals etc. posts, features of the branches of the application and details of other online health services. Discussion(s): The use of telemedicine-online health services in private hospitals is found to be at the initial stage and written and visual posts are insufficient. The information collected can help determine the current situation and contribute to private hospitals when determining new strategies.Copyright © 2021, Derman Medical Publishing. All rights reserved.

Journal of Language, Speech and Swallowing Research ; 4(2):192-219, 2021.
Article in Turkish | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20244011


Amaç: COVID-19 sebebi ile ilan edilen pandemi süreciyle birlikte ülkemizde dil ve konuşma terapisi alanında tele-terapi hizmetinin kullanımında artış gözlenmiştir. Bu araştırma kapsamında vakaların bu süreç içerisinde aldıkları tele-terapi hizmetlerindeki memnuniyet düzeylerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada, dil ve konuşma terapisi alanında tele-terapi hizmeti alan bireylerin, terapiye yönelik memnuniyet düzeylerinin aldıkları tele-terapi seansı sayısına ve bozukluk türlerine göre incelenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Yöntem: Bu çalışma 0-64 yaş aralıǧında, 42 katılımcıdan (24E, 18K) alınan veriler doǧrultusunda oluşturulmuştur. Araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan "Dil ve Konuşma Bozukluklarında Tele-Terapi Danışan Memnuniyet Anketi" katılımcılara çevrimiçi platformlar aracılıǧı ile ulaştırılmıştır. Hazırlanan anket, 26 soru ve altı alt boyuttan oluşmaktadır. Bu alt boyutlar;"Terapistin Yetkinliǧi", "Íletişim Yeterliliǧi", "Erişilebilirlik ve Ödemeler", "Tele-terapiye Yönelik Donanım", "Genel Tele-terapi Memnuniyeti" ve "Anket Toplam Puan" olarak düzenlenip, analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler, normal daǧılıma uygun olmadıǧı (Shapiro Wilk test;p <. 05) için verilerin istatistiksel analizi Mann Whitney U ve Kruskal Wallis testleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar %95 güven aralıǧında, anlamlılık ise p < .05 düzeyinde deǧerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Analizler sonucunda bozukluk türü, alınan tele-terapi seansı sayısı deǧişkenlerine göre "Íletişim yeterliliǧi" alt boyutu dışında diǧer alt boyutlar ve toplam skorda anlamlı farklılık bulunmamıştır. "Íletişim yeterliliǧi" alt boyutunda akıcılık bozuklukları-konuşma sesi bozuklukları (Mann Whitney U test;p = ,044 < ,05) ile akıcılık bozuklukları-ses bozuklukları (Mann Whitney U test;p = ,019 < ,05) olan katılımcılar arasında istatistiksel anlamlılık ortaya çıkmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışmamıza katılan bireylerin bozukluk türü, terapistin yetkinliǧi ve alınan tele-terapi seansı sayısı deǧişkenlerine göre tele-terapi memnuniyetleri arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamaktadır. Yalnızca akıcılık bozuklukları -konuşma sesi bozuklukları ile ses bozuklukları olan katılımcıların "Íletişim yeterliliǧi" alt boyutunda anlamlı derecede daha yüksek puanlar verdikleri sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Elde edilen sonucun iki grup arasındaki katılımcı sayılarından kaynaklandıǧı düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında ülkemizde tele-terapinin memnuniyetine yönelik bilgilerin ilk verilerine ulaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın katılımcı sayısının arttırılarak tekrar edilebileceǧi düşünülmektedir.Alternate :Purpose: Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the usage of tele-therapy services has been increased in Turkey. There also seems to be an increase in the use of tele-therapy in speech and language pathology services. Therefore, the satisfaction levels of the clients in tele-therapy appears to be an important subject to examine. The aim of this study was to investigate the satisfaction levels in individuals who receive tele-therapy services for speech and language therapy. The data has been examined based on tele-therapy sessions the participants received and, the type of disorder they had. Method: This study is based on data from 42 participants (24 men, 18 women). The "Tele-therapy Client Satisfaction Questionnaire in Speech and Language Disorders" was prepared by the researchers and delivered to the participants through online platforms. The questionnaire consists of 26 questions and six sub-dimensions. These sub-dimensions "Therapist's Competence", "Communication Adequacy", "Accessibility and Payments", "Equipment for Tele-therapy", "Generalized Tele-therapy Satisfaction", and " Questionnaire Total Point" were analyzed. Since the data did not show normal distribution (Shapiro Wilk test;p < .05), the statistical analysis was carried out u ing non-parametric Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests. The results were evaluated at a 95% confidence interval, and significance was evaluated at p < .05 level. Results: The results revealed no significant difference between the sub-dimensions and total score, except for the "Communication competence" sub-dimension, based on the variables of the type of disorder and the number of tele-therapy sessions received. In the "Communication Adequacy" sub-dimension, a statistical significance was found among the participants with fluency disorders-speech sound disorders (Mann Whitney U test;p = .044 < .05) and fluency disorders-voice disorders (Mann Whitney U test;p = .019 < .05). Conclusion: According to the variables in our study;type of disorder, the competence of the therapist, and the number of tele-therapy sessions received, there is no significant difference between the satisfaction of the tele-therapy in speech and language services. It was concluded that the participants with fluency disorders, speech sound disorders, and voice disorders gave significantly higher scores on "Communication Adequacy". It is thought that the result obtained is due to the number of participants between the two groups. Within the scope of this study, the first data on the satisfaction of tele-therapy in Turkey was reached. It is thought that this study can be repeated by increasing the number of participants. Future studies may also examine the satisfaction levels of participants with speech and language disorders separately.

Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society ; 2023, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20243701


Strategic management has applications in many areas of social life. One of the basic steps in the process of strategic management is formulating a strategy by choosing the optimal strategy. Improving the process of selecting the optimal strategy with MCDM methods and theories that treat uncertainty well in this process, as well as the application of other and different selection criteria, is the basic idea and goal of this research. The improvement of the process of the aforementioned selection in the defense system was carried out by applying a hybrid model of multicriteria decision-making based on methods defining interrelationships between ranked criteria (DIBR) and multiattributive ideal-real comparative analysis (MAIRCA) modified by triangular fuzzy numbers–"DIBR–DOMBI–Fuzzy MAIRCA model.” The DIBR method was used to determine the weight coefficients of the criteria, while the selection of the optimal strategy, from the set of offered methods, was carried out by the MAIRCA method. This was done in a fuzzy environment with the aim of better treatment of imprecise information and better translation of quantitative data into qualitative data. In the research, an analysis of the model's sensitivity to changes in weight coefficients was performed. Additionally, a comparison of the obtained results with the results obtained using other multicriteria decision-making methods was conducted, which validated the model and confirmed stable results. In the end, it was concluded that the proposed MCDM methodology can be used for choosing a strategy in the defense system, that the results of the MCDM model are stable and valid, and that the process has been improved by making the choice easier for decision makers and by defining new and more comprehensive criteria for selection.

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli &Uuml ; niversitesi &Iacute;ktisadi ve &Iacute;dari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi; 25(1):169-194, 2023.
Article in Turkish | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20243686


Bu çalışmada pandemi sürecinde devletin rolü ve işlevleri Fransa ve Türkiye örnekleri üzerinden karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmaktadır. Kovid-19 pandemisinin kamu sağlığı güvenliği açısından yarattığı aciliyet, şok ve kriz ortamı, kamusal otoritelerin önlem alma pratiklerini dönüştürürken her ülkenin, sınırlarını ve güvenlik politikalarını yeniden gözden geçirmesine yol açmıştır. 1980'lerden itibaren refah politikalarından rekabetçi politikalara geçiş, ulusal sınırların esnekleşip uluslararası sermayeye açılması;küreselleşme ve kozmopolitleşme yönünde güçlü bir irade olduğu sanısını yaratmıştır. Ancak pandeminin yarattığı koşullara verilen tepki bunun aksi yönde sonuç vermiştir: Korumacı ekonomi politikalarının, gelir dağıtıcı yaklaşımının yanı sıra ulusal sınırların ve milliyetçi reflekslerin yükselişine şahit olunmuştur. Bu çalışmada bu gelişmelerin pandemi dönemi ile sınırlı ve geçici bir refleks olmayıp post-pandemik toplumsal koşullarda da süreceği iddia edilmekte ve bu süreci anlamak için devletin dönüşümü üzerinden bir okuma önerilmektedir. Çalışmada, hukuki bilgi ve belgelerin yanı sıra aktörlerin açıklamaları ve basına yansıyan haberler incelenmekte ve bahsi geçen dönüşümün sebepleri, mahiyeti ve olası sonuçları betimleyici ve yorumlayıcı yöntemle ele alınmaktadır.Alternate :In this study, the role and functions of the state in the pandemic process are discussed comparatively through the examples of France and Turkey. The urgency, shock, and crisis environment created by the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of public health security have led each country to reconsider its borders and security policies while transforming the precautionary practices of public authorities. Since the 1980s, it has been assumed that there was a strong will for the transition from welfare policies to competitive policies and the flexibility of national borders for strengthening globalization and cosmopolitanism. However, the reaction to the conditions created by the pandemic resulted in the opposite direction: The rise of national borders and nationalist reflexes, as well as the protectionist economic policies and income distribution approach, were witnessed. In this study, it is claimed that these developments will not be a temporary reflex limited to the pandemic period but will continue in post-pandemic social conditions. In addition, it will be suggested that an analysis of the transformation of the state in a historical process is crucial to understand this process. In addition to the legal information and documents, the explanations of the actors and the news will be examined, and the reasons, nature, and possible consequences of the transformation will be discussed with a descriptive and interpretive method.

Journal of Southeast European & Black Sea Studies ; 23(2):339-363, 2023.
Article in English | Academic Search Complete | ID: covidwho-20243679


To counterbalance the deep systemic global crisis triggered by the COVID-19, many countries introduced a vast arsenal of fiscal policy instruments coupled with monetary accommodation. Yet, Turkey's response had almost exclusively relied on credit expansion and loan guarantees while minimizing the role of fiscal policy. Within that context, this article has three interrelated objectives. Firstly, we evaluate the effects of the crisis and the implemented policies on poverty and income distribution. Second, we measure the macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19 on the Turkish economy through a general equilibrium model. We find that these policies had a limited impact on reducing crisis-induced poverty. Finally, we propose alternatives to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis, which are compatible with fiscal constraints. Our results suggest that by pursuing a targeted fiscal income transfer programme covering wage earners and small-sized enterprises, Turkey could have achieved a more egalitarian and effective response to the Covid-19 crisis. [ FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Journal of Southeast European & Black Sea Studies is the property of Routledge and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full . (Copyright applies to all s.)

Türkiye'de Pandemi Öncesi ve Pandemi Dönemi Arasında Çocukların Ambulans Kullanım Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması ; 17(3):182-186, 2023.
Article in English | Academic Search Complete | ID: covidwho-20242455


Objective: A pandemic is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region of the world and affects many people. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on ambulance use by pediatric patients in Ankara Province, Turkey. Material and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in the spring-summer of 2019 and 2020. The electronic medical records of pediatric patients who were transported to the hospital by ambulance were analyzed. Results: It was determined that 49.6% of the 23.201 patients included in the study were transported during the pandemic period. Male gender was higher in both the pandemic and pre-pandemic periods, there was no difference in terms of average age. The rate of forensic cases and refugee patients increased, while that of emergency patients decreased. Both the arrival at the scene time and intervention time were prolonged. Medical cause was the most common cause of emergency calls in both years, however, it increased significantly in 2020. The decrease in cases of traffic accidents, suicides, and other accidents was statistically significant. In the pandemic period, total rate of COVID-19 infection and suspicion was 29.7%. Most of the patients had been referred to a public hospital. Conclusion: It was found that most of the ambulances were used for transporting patients with minor illnesses that did not require immediate medical attention in pandemic period. (English) [ FROM AUTHOR] Amaç: Pandemi, dünyanın geniş bir bölgesine yayılan ve birçok insanı etkileyen bulaşıcı hastalık salgınıdır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'nin Ankara ilinde, 2019 koronavirüs hastalığı (COVÍD-19) pandemisinin çocuk hastaların ambulans kullanımına etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu retrospektif çalışmada 2019 ve 2020 yıllarının bahar-yaz aylarında ambulans ile hastaneye nakledilen çocuk hastaların elektronik tıbbi kayıtları incelendi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan 23201 hastanın %49.6'sının pandemi döneminde nakledildiği belirlendi. Erkek cinsiyet hem pandemi hem de pandemi öncesi dönemlerde daha yüksekti, yaş ortalamaları açısından fark yoktu. Pandemi döneminde adli vaka ve mülteci hasta oranı artarken, acil hasta oranı azaldı. Hem olay yerine gelme süresi hem de müdahale süresi uzadı. Medikal nedenler her iki yılda da en sık acil çağrı nedeniydi, ancak 2020'de önemli ölçüde arttı. Trafik kazası, özkıyım ve diğer kaza vakalarındaki azalma istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı. Pandemi döneminde toplam kesin ve şüpheli COVÍD-19 enfeksiyonu oranı %29.7'di. Hastaların çoğu devlet hastanesine sevk edildi. Sonuç: Pandemi döneminde ambulansların çoğunun acil tıbbi müdahale gerektirmeyen hafif hastalığı olan hastaları taşımak için kullanıldığı tespit edildi. (Turkish) [ FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Journal of Pediatric Disease / Cocuk Hastaliklari Dergisi is the property of Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full . (Copyright applies to all s.)

Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine ; 14(5):414-417, 2023.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-20242451


Aim: The aim of this research is to analyze the pediatric COVID-19 literature published in Turkey and to guide future research. Material(s) and Method(s): Between 11.03.2010 and 11.12.2022, the Web of Science (WoS) All Databases collection was searched for publications related to COVID-19 and pediatric patients. The keywords used during this search were coronavirus-19, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, pandemic, and/or pediatric, pediatric, children, child. After this search, the selected publications were scanned one by one to determine whether they were suitable for the present study. Authors, organizations, journals, document types, distribution of publications by years (months), most used keywords were obtained from the Web of Science (WoS) All Databases collection. Descriptive analyzes were made from all these obtained data. Result(s): The number of COVID-19 publications originating from Turkey in the field of pediatrics was determined as 375. 48.2% of all publications were published in 2022. These 375 publications were published in 167 different journals. In these publications, the most active author, journal and organization were Yasemin Ozsurekci, Turkish Archives of Pediatrics and University of Health Sciences, Turkey, respectively. The most commonly used keywords were ''child, patient, pandemic, SARS-CoV and vaccine. The most active document types were research articles (295 (78.6%)), editorial materials (15 (4.0%)), letters (43 (11.5%)) and review articles (22 (5.9%)). Discussion(s): We analyzed all articles about COVID-19 from Turkey in the field of pediatrics published so far in the WoS Databases collection. It is obvious that a large literature has emerged in our country on pediatric patients, although not as much as in adults. The long-term adverse effects of the pandemic on pediatric practice and especially on children will need to be evaluated in more detail in future research.Copyright © 2023, Derman Medical Publishing. All rights reserved.

Turkish Journal of Public Health ; 21(1):59-70, 2023.
Article in English | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-20241179


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the development of adjustment disorder according to the ADNM-20 (Adjustment Disorder New Module-20) scale in participants who were followed up for Covid-19 infection. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from September to November 2020. After sample size calculation, we aimed to reach minimum 170 people out of 1290 people who applied to the hospital for Covid-19 disease treatment. Participants were selected from the patients admitted to the hospital using a simple stratified random sampling method. We reached 182 people after treating the patients who were followed up with Covid-19 infection in a University Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. A questionnaire and the Adjustment Disorder New Module-20 scale were applied via phone / mail at the end of the 6th month after Covid-19 related hospital admission by researchers. Results: Adjustment disorder was found in 28.8% (n=42) of the participants disorder according to the ADNM-20 scale. While the rate of development of adjustment disorder due to Covid-19-related stress was 26.7% (n=39);the rate of development of adjustment disorder due to non-Covid-19 stress was found to be 2.1% (n=3). With the increase in stress load, the development of adjustment disorder increased significantly. The frequency of developing Covid-19-related stress-related adjustment disorder was statistically significantly increased with the duration of exposure to stress. Conclusion: We have found out that one out of every four people who apply to the hospital for healthcare services due to Covid-19 infection may develop an adjustment disorder. Assessment of the adjustment disorder more frequently and making early interventions may contribute to the prevention of progressive mental disorders.

Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal ; 25(3), 2023.
Article in English | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-20240919


Background: Patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), related to their disease consequences and treatment modalities, are physically and mentally vulnerable during the outbreak. Objectives: To investigate the association between pandemic-related changes and positive airway pressure (PAP) adherence and sleep quality in OSA patients. Methods: This was a multi-center cross-sectional study, and the necessary data were collected prospectively. A total of 221 patients were included in the study, who were invited from four different centers from June 1 - December 1, 2020. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was administered to evaluate sleep quality. Information on demographics positive airway pressure (PAP) device use, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) a questionnaire collected related changes. Patients >18 years with a diagnosis of OSA and prescribed PAP treatment before the pandemic period were included in the study. Lack of cooperation with the questionnaires and incompliant with PAP treatment for longer than one year were the exclusion criteria. Results: Of the 221 participants, 79.2% were men. The mean apnea-hypopnea index was obtained at 40.8+or-24.3. A positive COVID-19 test was reported in nine cases, and three patients had hospitalization. During the pandemic, 102 (46.2%) subjects were retired, 26 (11.8%) lost their jobs, and 34 (15.3%) reported home office work or on-call or on leave. Poor sleep quality was found in 54 (24.4%) individuals. It was also reported that poor sleep quality was more common in those who reported mask use difficulty (38.7% vs. 18.9%;P=0.004) and increased or decreased PAP use (increased, decreased, no change in PAP use: 45.5%, 36.0%, 19.4%, respectively;P=0.01). The good sleep quality group had higher PAP use than the poor sleep quality group (6.2+or-1.5 vs. 5.3+or-2.4 night/week;P=0.002;6.2+or-1.5 vs. 5.5+or-2.2 hour/night;P=0.01). Conclusions: Pandemic period had several negative effects on sleep apnea patients regarding sleep quality and social lives which also influenced PAP adherence in OSA patients. Most patients did not change their regular PAP use attitudes during this period. Similar to the pre-COVID-19 disease period, PAP adherence and compliance positively influenced sleep quality;people who were "good sleepers" were the ones who were the "good PAP device users".

Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi ; 46(1):1-10, 2022.
Article in Turkish | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-20240307


Objective: The aim of this study is to measure the knowledge level of pharmacists working in Turkey about COVID-19 Material(s) and Method(s): The online questionnaire consisting of 16 questions in the form of true-false, developed by the authors after a comprehensive review of the literature, was delivered to pharmacists via social media and professional platforms (such as WhatsApp, Gmail, Instagram, LinkedIn) using the Google form. 364 pharmacists from all over Turkey who filled out the questionnaire were included in the study. Result and Discussion: In this study carried out in Turkey, it was determined that 99.5% of the pharmacists had good knowledge. When the factors affecting the level of knowledge of COVID-19 were examined, in our study, no relationship was found with the independent variables since the level of knowledge was homogeneously high. In the literature, it is reported that age, years of professional experience, having a master's and doctorate education are associated with better knowledge, while the length of experience is associated with the level of knowledge, while in some studies it is stated that no feature is related. However, the fact that it is a cross-sectional study creates a limitation in explaining the cause-effect relationship. Although the number of participants met the sample, it would have been desirable to have more.Copyright © 2022 University of Ankara. All rights reserved.

Online Submission ; 13(1):669-681, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20239739


Education has gone through rapid changes during the emergency remote teaching period resulting by the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes, in part, have been associated with educational institutions attempting to implement a viable solution to the problem of distance education. Although organizational management theory literature suggests that great change in very little time results in a detrimental psychological phenomenon called change fatigue in employees and that this phenomenon has even been investigated in the context of teaching staff in the past;there have been no attempt at understanding change fatigue from a student perspective. This quantitative study attempts at proposing a structural equation model towards the understanding of how to change fatigue and other variables, namely, digital literacy, online learning attitude and school alienation that might have been influenced by it have affected teacher candidates after resuming face-to-face education followed by a 1.5 year of emergency remote teaching period. Results indicated that change fatigue predicts school alienation and yet;does not predict online learning attitude;hinting that there might be another category of alienating organizational change that universities have gone through that does not solely involve online education. Nevertheless, digital literacy is a beneficial skill for all students that helps bolster online learning attitudes and reduce overall school alienation.

Shanlax International Journal of Education ; 11:109-121, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20239693


This research aims to examine from the perspective of pre-service teachers how values, which have a great function in ensuring social order and welfare, maintaining healthy interpersonal relations, adapting the behaviour of the individual with the expectations of social life, and preventing possible social problems, are affected by the pandemic process.The research was carried out using phenomenology method, which is a qualitative research method. The study group of the research consists of twenty-five pre-service teachers. While determining the study group, easily accessible sampling method was used. In the research, a questionnaire containing four open questions developed by the researchers was used as a data collection tool. Content analysis was used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, it was determined that the pandemic positively affected some values such as altruism, benevolence, solidarity, gratitude, resignation, cleanliness, giving importance to being healthy, and negatively affected some values such as hospitality, freedom, equality, kindness, perseverance, and aesthetics. On the other hand, it is seen that some values such as patience, solidarity, savings and being scientific take their place among the values that both erode and gain from due to the differences in the perspective of pre-service teachers towards life. In addition, it was concluded that the pre-service teachers have a concern that the eroded values will force humanity to face problems such as various health problems, an asocial life, emotional deprivation, depression, digital addiction, selfishness, unemployment, anxiety, and impoliteness in the future.

Tourism Economics ; 29(3):742-758, 2023.
Article in English | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-20238050


The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused tremendous fear and uncertainty and affected health, economy, and social life in an unprecedented form worldwide. Yet, the level of knowledge on its economic implications is very limited. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to explain the health, social, and economic impacts of COVID-19. Because the tourism is one of the most affected industries by the pandemic, this study aims to explain the effects of COVID-19 cases and deaths, global fear, and government responses on Turkey's tourism industry. Empirical findings show that the tourism industry reacts negatively to new cases, number of deaths, and global fear measures. Also, government containment and health measures and economic supports positively affect the tourism industry. Furthermore, government stringency policies drive down the tourism industry's performance. The findings of this study provide significant implications for tourism and travel firms, policy makers, and future research.

Acuity: Journal of English Language Pedagogy, Literature and Culture ; 8(1):101-117, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20237802


This study aimed to examine the attitudes of students enrolled in an English preparatory program of a Turkish state university towards the use of emergency remote teaching as a mode of distance education in the 2019-2020 COVID-19 outbreak and to reveal online distractors students experienced throughout this process. A total of 270 EFL students participated in the study;93 of these participants were female, and 177 were male. The study employed an explanatory sequential design, in which firstly quantitative data were collected using a scale ([alpha] = 0.871), and then qualitative data were gathered through open-ended questions followed by semi-structured ones. The quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software while the qualitative data were analyzed through a thematic analysis conducted by the researcher and two other experts ([kappa] = 0.70). The results showed that the students held partially positive attitudes towards the use of emergency remote teaching as a mode of distance education. There were significant differences between the students' overall attitudes and their gender, digital literacy, technological accessibility, and perceived language success. The relationship between the online distractors students experienced during Emergency Remote Teaching and their attitudes was also discussed. The conclusions were made in the light of the findings, and implications and suggestions for further research were stated.

Guncel Turizm Arastirmalari Dergisi ; 7(1):149-171, 2023.
Article in Turkish | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-20237650


The main purpose of this research is to analyze the using of bank loans provided by the banking sector in accommodation companies traded in Borsa Istanbul in terms of type, maturity and cost. The study also examined the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on the accommodation companies' use of bank loans. In this context, the level of bank loan usage, the type of bank loans, interest rates, maturity and their distribution in currency between the years 2009 and 2021 were tried to be determined by ratio and document analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that 10,84% of the assets in accommodation companies are financed by bank loans, the use of bank loans in total liabilities is 19.92% and short-term bank loans are preferred. It was also detected that accommodation companies mainly benefit from business loans, daily spot loans, revolving loans, current account loans, foreign exchange earning loans, vehicle loans and investment loans in Turkish Lira, Dollar, Euro and Sterling with interest rates varying every year. However, compared to the pre-Covid-19 outbreak period, it was observed that the level of bank loans used by accommodation companies first decreased, but then increased again.

Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET ; 22(1):29-36, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20237199


This research, which was performed in order to determine the relationship between some activities in the online learning environment and their academic achievements of Physical Education and Sports School students, was designed in a relational scanning model. The research was conducted on the data of 444 students who attended online classes at a physical education and sports school of a state university in the spring term of the 2020-2021 academic year. Data used in the research were collected through "Aid for Learning Management System (ALMS)" and "Student Information System (SIS)" of the relevant university. The duration of watching the courses live and from the archive, the number of downloading the course documents and the duration of watching the course videos uploaded were obtained within the scope of online learning activities via ALMS;and the academic achievement scores of the students for these courses were obtained via SIS. As a result of the research, a positive and significant relationship was found between course attendance, the duration of watching the archived and uploaded course videos, the number of downloading course documents and students' gender and their academic achievement scores while there was no significant relationship between students' grade level and academic achievement scores. According to the significant correlations, it was seen that the duration of live course attendance and watching from the archive significantly predicted the academic achievement scores of the students while the duration of watching the course videos, the number of downloading the course documents and gender did not significantly predict the academic achievement scores of the students.

Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET ; 22(1):144-155, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20236637


The aim of this study is to examine the opinions of secondary school students about mathematics lessons taught with distance education. The research was carried out by taking the opinions of 286 secondary school students from one state school selected from each of the provinces (Manisa, Izmir, Mugla, Antalya, Sirnak, Bitlis). Quantitative and descriptive survey method was used in the study. According to the findings, it was seen that the opinions of female and male students were very close to each other, there was no significant difference according to the variables of the number of siblings and whether they had their own study room, and there was a significant difference between 5th grade students and 8th grade students. Students;It was seen that there was no difference in their views on understanding the lesson better and increasing their success, they did not have any problems in accessing the Mathematics lesson, but they had problems due to internet interruptions during the lesson, they did not have any problems in communicating with their teachers and delivering homework during the lesson, but they still preferred face-to-face education at a high rate. It was observed that the motivation of the 5th grade students during the lesson and their better understanding of the lesson were higher than the 8th grade students.

Journal of International Women's Studies ; 25(3), 2023.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-20236414


The development of information technologies and the Internet has created an enormous economy. In line with this digital transformation, cultural change has come about. Global companies create new trends focused on vanity and pleasure in social media that follow the patriarchal capitalist ideology. Motherhood has also been included in this process, and "perfect motherhood,” as an extension to new generation motherhood, has been popularized on social media. Perfect motherhood requires mothers who are responsible for looking after children and the home to also be successful in their professional and personal lives while looking beautiful, young, chic, sexy, and fit. Recently the celebrification of motherhood, which can be seen on Instagram, became another quality added to the requirements of being a perfect mother. Heightened during the new post-COVID times, the "Instamom” phenomenon conceals the fact that women are driven to more states of increased precarity and vulnerability, alongside unemployment, exploitation, and ecological and economic crises. This study analyzes the perfect motherhood myth through Instamom case studies and attempts to show how Instamoms are perceived by mothers and mothers-to-be. By adopting the digital ethnography method, 30 Instamom accounts (with followers ranging from 135,000 to 3.5 million) in Turkey were observed for a year via passive participant observations. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six Instamoms and 12 follower mothers and mothers-to-be. In conclusion, it was discovered that Instamoms were perceived by their followers as exemplars of knowledge and beauty. Furthermore, the study revealed that both groups were part of the celebrification and branding process, and those who shared knowledge based on experience were considered sincere and created a bigger impression on their followers. It was also discovered that when sharing on social media, these Instamoms attempted to look their best. Moreover, Instamom accounts that prominently use children to increase viewer interaction demonstrate issues related to the "commercialization of childhood.” Tangible advice for transformative change is included at the end of the research. © 2022 Journal of International Women's Studies.

Asia-Pacific Education Researcher ; 32(2):165-176, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20236357


COVID-19 has caused psychological problems in all age groups since it emerged from the first day. One of the most important groups has been affected negatively during the COVID-19 pandemic process are university students. One of the negative situations caused by the pandemic process in university students is student stress caused by COVID-19. To assess stress situations in Italian culture, the COVID-19 student stress scale (CSS-S) has been developed. In this context, the aim of this study was to adapt the CSS-S into Turkish. Another aim of the study was to investigate the direct and indirect relationships of COVID-19 student stress with school burnout, depression and subjective well-being. The participants of the study were 485 Turkish university students. The values obtained with the confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the factor structure of CSS-S is satisfying (X[superscript 2]/df = 2.99, AGFI = 0.95, TLI = 0.93, CFI = 0.96, IFI = 0.96, REMSEA = 0.06, SRMR = 0.04). Moreover, it was found that school burnout has a mediating role in the relationship between COVID-19 student stress and depression and subjective well-being (X structure of CSS-S is satisfying/df = 2.41, AGFI = 0.87, TLI = 0.91, CFI = 0.91, IFI = 0.91, REMSEA = 0.05, SRMR = 0.05). These findings imply that psychosocial intervention studies to reduce COVID-19 student stress can reduce students' school burnout and depression. It also implies that these psychosocial intervention studies can have a positive impact on students' subjective well-being.